Category: App Updates

Chip Shot Golf updated to 1.1

version 1.1 updated some graphics, sounds, and animations. levels and gameplay are the same.

Global Metars updated to 1.2

This week our Global Metars app was updated to version 1.2. Features include:
– a satellite map mode
– progress dialog during loading of remote data
– improved location logic

Pilot HUD updated to 1.4

Pilot HUD versions were updated to 1.4 this week. The free version updated to 1.4 on Wednesday, and the paid version was updated today. The paid version has no ads and is now available for USD 0.99

Notable new feature in 1.4 is the abilty to take easy screen shots by pressing the device’s camera button or the “search” key. Screen shots in the free version do not include displayed ads (as would a native Android screen capture)

Global Metar apps updated to 1.1

The 1.1 update to both the free and paid verions of Global Metars has been released to the Android Market.
Many new features and bug fixes, so be sure to check it out.

Pilot HUD 1.3 now available

update to 1.3 include:
– zoom functionality: swipe your finger near bottom to the screen to zoom in and out
– faster fetching of sensor data