Golf – How To Play
- press finger down on ball and hold (you will hear a click sound)
- pull club back by dragging ball back away from the direction you want to hit. energy line grows longer to a peak, then recedes once past peak.
- release finger to launch ball.
- your must play at least one practice hole before playing a full round of 18 holes
- try to get the ball in the hole in as few shots as possible. (duh)
- try to hit the green as soon as you can. putting is easier then hitting from off the green.
- avoid bunkers, rough, and hazards. (also duh)
- try to aim for center of the green until you develop your accuracy.
- to get another perspective on your shot, try pinching and dragging the screen to zoom in and out and to pan around. some shots are easier if you adjust the zoom.
- release the ball past the peak to get a shorter bounce, or before to get a longer one.
- try to line up the ball with where your finger is touching (the club) when you are pulling back. the ball will travel in this direction.
- the higher your shot, the greater effect the wind will have on it.
- try a few practice holes before playing a round.
- the wind often changes, come back later and maybe the round will play easier (or harder)
top scores
- only your best score is displayed on the top scores board.
- you can take as long as you want to complete a game, but your score will not count toward the leaderboard unless you complete your game within 7 days.
- saving your score to the top scores board requires internet acceess. if you are not online, the saving of your scores will be retried every 2 min for up to 24 hours whenever you are at a menu screen.
- you can edit your use name one of two ways. 1) the first time you complete a round, a popup will prompt you for a new user name. 2) tap “settings” from them main menu, then “User Name” to edit.
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